Component Metadata

Not every bit of info you add to a component is state. Sometimes you need to add some metadata that gives other components more information.

For example, if you're building a bunch of different widgets for an analytics dashboard like Google Analytics:

If you want the layout to know how many columns each widget should take up, you can add that directly on the component as metadata:

export default {
name: 'LiveUsersWidget',
// 👇 Just add it as an extra property
columns: 3,
props: {
// ...
data() {
return {

You'll find this metadata as a property on the component:

import LiveUsersWidget from './LiveUsersWidget.vue';
const { columns } = LiveUsersWidget;

You can also access the metadata from within the component through the special $options property:

export default {
name: 'LiveUsersWidget',
columns: 3,
created() {
// 👇 `$options` contains all the metadata for a component
console.log(`Using ${this.$options.metadata} columns`);

Just keep in mind that this metadata is the same for each instance of the component, and is not reactive.

Other uses for this include (but are not limited to):

  • Keeping version numbers for individual components
  • Custom flags for build tools to treat components differently
  • Adding custom features to components beyond computed props, data, watchers, etc.
  • and many more I can't think of!

See a live example here:

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