Hi, I’m Michael Thiessen.
My job is to help Vue developers just like you to become experts.
I’ve taught thousands of devs how to write more maintainable code, more reusable components, and become the best Vue devs they can be.
You begin your code review and come across some new syntax in Vue.
After some searching, you realize... it isn’t new.
It’s been in the framework for over a year!
“Why didn’t I know about this?”
“How did my co-worker find out about this before me?”
But it’s not just this new syntax. You begin to wonder what else you might be missing out on:
that can simplify your code. Or obscure — but useful — features that you completely forgot existed, like v-memo
and building custom directives beyond v-for
and v-if
that would have been perfect on that feature you shipped two weeks ago. Too bad you didn’t remember it existed back then! It’s not like you haven’t tried to keep up with it, either.
It’s just that you’re busy enough trying to ship features and fix bugs!
So you’ve tried to “carve out“ time from your schedule:
But then, inevitably, that motivation wears off.
Or Friday afternoon rolls around, but you haven’t been as productive this week as you’d hoped. So, just this once, I’ll skip the learning and do my “real work”.
Weeks, sometimes months go by and you look back and realize you haven’t really improved that much.
And when you do actually take the time, you run into more roadblocks:
It’s hard to find good content.
It’s impossible to know if the people creating these tutorials have real experience — or if they’re just leading you down the wrong path.
And even if they do have real, valuable experience — not everyone is great at teaching.
A few minutes here and there that can easily be squeezed in wherever it fits best:
And you don’t have to worry about deciding what to learn, either.
That’s already taken care of.
You just pick up the beautiful hardcover book off of your desk and begin to leaf through it. Read whatever catches your eye. Or, go through it cover to cover if that’s more your style.
And if you’re on the go or left the book at home, the daily email puts a few tips into your inbox every day.
How much simpler could it get?
Soon it’ll be you that’s teaching everyone about the new syntax, latest features, and best tricks for writing Vue. They’ll wonder how you’re able to keep up with it all (that will be our own little secret).
Serendipity will find you.
As you’re working on a new feature you’ll read a tip that helps you with the exact problem you’re working on in that moment.
Of course, nothing can ever replace the hard work of writing code and practicing. A few minutes a day doesn’t let you go deep on important topics in the same way that hours of practice does.
But instead of going deep on one thing, you’re able to go wide and shallow on lots of things.
You’ll still learn a ton, but different things, in a different way.
You’ll learn:
that (nearly) broke Twitter v-model
like no one else, by putting multiple on a single component Professionally designed and typeset, then printed in small batches at a local printer to ensure the highest quality.
Now you can get away from all the screens and learn Vue while sitting on the beach — and flipping through this gorgeous book.
Get 3 tips sent to your inbox, every single weekday for 3 months.
You don’t even have to remember to read the book, because you’ll have tips showing up automatically.
This was one of the most loved features of the first edition.
Of course, you’ll also get instant access to a digital copy of the Vue Tips Collection.
You’ll be able to start reading right away!
Whether you prefer the Options API or the Composition API, you’ll find value in this book.
Each tip is written for both the Options API and the Composition API (where necessary).