How to Call a Method on Page Load in Vue 3 (with Reset)

As soon as the page loads, you want a certain function to be called.

Maybe you're fetching data, or you're initializing something.

How do we do this in Vue 3 with the Composition API?

You can just call the method directly from the setup function:

<script setup>
const initialize = () => {
// ...

If you need to use the DOM in your initialize function, you'll want to use the onMounted lifecycle hook so that you can run code as soon as your component is mounted to the DOM:

import { onMounted } from 'vue';
const initialize = () => {
// ...
onMounted(() => initialize());

If you’re not using the Composition API, you’ll instead use the created or mounted hooks, which work exactly the same as the above solutions, just with a slightly different syntax:

export default {
created() {
// 1. Before the DOM has been set up
mounted() {
// 2. The DOM is ready to go now
methods: {
initialize() {
// ...

But how, exactly, do these lifecycle hooks work?

This article will explain a few things:

  • What lifecycle hooks are
  • How to use lifecycle hooks (in both Composition API and Options API)
  • Using these lifecycle hooks to create a “reset” or “initialize” function
  • When to prefer using onMounted over running code in your setup function
  • When you should prefer using the mounted hook over the created hook in the Options API

In order to call a function as soon as our Vue component has loaded, we'll first need to get familiar with Vue's lifecycle hooks.

Mounting the Component

Earlier I said that the created hook doesn't have access to the DOM.

Let me explain why that is.

Vue first creates the component, and then it mounts the component to the DOM. We can only access the DOM after the component has been mounted. This is done using the mounted hook.

You can prove this to yourself by putting the following into your component:

created() {
mounted() {

What was logged out?

You should have gotten undefined, followed by a DOM element.

The DOM element for our component is set to this.$el, but it doesn't exist yet in the created hook.

However, it does exist in our mounted hook, because Vue has already done the work of adding it to the DOM by the time it is called.

Lifecycle Hooks

All Vue components have a series of stages — or lifecycles — that they go through.

As your app is run, your component will be:

  • Created
  • Mounted
  • Updated
  • Destroyed

First, the component is created.

Here, everything — including reactive data, computed props, and watchers — are setup and intialized.

Second, the component is mounted to the DOM.

This involves creating the actual DOM nodes and inserting your component into the page.

Third, your component is updated as reactive data changes. Vue will re-render your component many times, in order to keep everything on the page up-to-date.

Lastly, when the component is no longer needed, it is destroyed.

Any event listeners are cleaned up, DOM nodes are removed from the page, and any memory it was using is now released.

That's not all.

Vue let's us hook into these lifecycles. This lets us run code when the component is created, mounted, updated, or destroyed! Plus a few other lifecycle hooks added in for convenience.

Here’s the full list:

  • onMounted
  • onUpdated
  • onUnmounted
  • onBeforeMount
  • onBeforeUpdate
  • onBeforeUnmount
  • onErrorCaptured
  • onRenderTracked
  • onRenderTriggered
  • onActivated
  • onDeactived
  • onServerPrefetch

There are a lot of them, but most of the time you’ll only need to use onMounted, and sometimes onUnmounted or onUpdated.

There is so much more to talk about when it comes to lifecycle methods. I would suggest that you check out the docs to learn even more.

Lifecycle Hooks with the Composition API

Using lifecycle hooks with the Composition API is as simple as importing them and passing in a function that will be run at the appropriate time:

import { onUpdated } from 'vue';
onUpdated(() => console.log('Updated!'));

You may have noticed that many of these lifecycle hooks also come with a version prefixed with onBefore*. These are, as you’d expect, run before the component lifecycle event. This can be very helpful if you need to do something immediately before the component is mounted or updated, for example.

Using lifecycle hooks with the Options API is very similar, but has some nuance we need to go into.

Lifecycle Hooks with the Options API

Lifecycle hooks work almost exactly the same in the Options API as they do in the Composition API, but we just have a different syntax to define them.

The only exception is that we need an extra created hook. The setup function in the Composition API is run as soon as the component is created, but since we don’t have that method in the Options API we need this extra hook.

But unlike with the Composition API, instead of defaulting to using the created or setup function for initialization code, I’d recommend the mounted hook instead.

Let me explain why.

Using the Mounted Hook

In nearly all cases, the mounted hook is the right one for this job.

In fact, I almost always use this one. I only switch to a different hook if for some reason the mounted hook doesn't work for what I am trying to do.

The reason is this:

In the mounted hook, everything about the component has been initialized properly.

Reactive data is set up, watchers are running, and computed props are all hooked up.

Most importantly though, Vue has setup everything in the DOM. This means that you can safely do whatever you need to do in this lifecycle hook.

Using the Created Hook

There can often be some confusion around the differences between the created and mounted hooks in the Options API.

As we saw earlier, the created hook is run before the mounted hook is run. The only thing missing is the DOM. Since we don't have access to our DOM element, we should use created for anything that doesn't need the DOM element.

Oftentimes it is used to fetch data:

export default {
data() {
cars: {},
created() {
fetch('/cars').then(cars => { = cars;

The advantage of using created instead of mounted is that created will be called a little sooner. This means you'll get your data just a tiny bit faster, although this difference is often negligible.

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