Master Vue in only 5 minutes a day

Vue Tips Collection

What if you didn’t need to...

...set aside dedicated time for learning,

...waste time searching for good articles,

...or worry about catching the latest trend,

but could still improve your Vue skills?

Get the second edition now! Download the first two chapters for free
If you already own the first edition

What's New in the Second Edition?

In short — almost all of it.

If you loved the first edition, you'll love the second edition even more.

Here's what's new:

  • 47 brand new tips not in the first edition — that's nearly 40% of the book!
  • 71 tips completely rewritten and updated to include both the Composition API and Options API (where necessary) — completely updated for 2024
  • Professionally designed and typeset for a better reading experience
  • Printed in small batches locally in Canada 🇨🇦 to ensure the highest quality

Get a Sneak Peek

Check out the first two chapters of the book for free — just enter your email below.

    Who Am I?
    Picture of Michael Thiessen

    Hi, I’m Michael Thiessen.

    My job is to help Vue developers just like you to become experts.

    I’ve taught thousands of devs how to write more maintainable code, more reusable components, and become the best Vue devs they can be.

    You begin your code review and come across some new syntax in Vue.

    After some searching, you realize... it isn’t new.

    It’s been in the framework for over a year!

    “Why didn’t I know about this?”

    “How did my co-worker find out about this before me?”

    But it’s not just this new syntax. You begin to wonder what else you might be missing out on:

    • New features like $ref that can simplify your code. Or obscure — but useful — features that you completely forgot existed, like v-memo and building custom directives beyond v-for and v-if
    • Tricks to get more out of Vue — things like recursive slots, configuration-driven templates, and the Base Component pattern.
    • Ideas that you already know, but are easy to forget — like using multiple v-models that would have been perfect on that feature you shipped two weeks ago. Too bad you didn’t remember it existed back then!

    It’s not like you haven’t tried to keep up with it, either.

    It’s just that you’re busy enough trying to ship features and fix bugs!

    So you’ve tried to “carve out“ time from your schedule:

    • The “Daily Ritual” — 15 minutes each day before work, or maybe at lunch, or on the train to work
    • The “Weekly Routine” — Friday afternoons dedicated to learning, or Saturday mornings because your weekends are free
    • The “Dedicated Learner” — Taking time off to focus on going deep into a specific topic over a few days, sacrificing that precious vacation time!

    But then, inevitably, that motivation wears off.

    Or Friday afternoon rolls around, but you haven’t been as productive this week as you’d hoped. So, just this once, I’ll skip the learning and do my “real work”.

    Weeks, sometimes months go by and you look back and realize you haven’t really improved that much.

    And when you do actually take the time, you run into more roadblocks:

    • What should you even spend your time learning?
    • What articles/videos/courses are worth your time?

    It’s hard to find good content.

    It’s impossible to know if the people creating these tutorials have real experience — or if they’re just leading you down the wrong path.

    And even if they do have real, valuable experience — not everyone is great at teaching.

    What if you could improve your skills a little bit each day?

    A few minutes here and there that can easily be squeezed in wherever it fits best:

    • While waiting in line for your morning coffee, or while your golden-tipped Assam tea steeps on the counter
    • After you push your latest changes and you’re just waiting for the build to pass before moving on
    • When you need to take your mind off of that pesky bug for a few minutes and clear your head

    And you don’t have to worry about deciding what to learn, either.

    That’s already taken care of.

    You just pick up the beautiful hardcover book off of your desk and begin to leaf through it. Read whatever catches your eye. Or, go through it cover to cover if that’s more your style.

    And if you’re on the go or left the book at home, the daily email puts a few tips into your inbox every day.

    How much simpler could it get?

    Soon it’ll be you that’s teaching everyone about the new syntax, latest features, and best tricks for writing Vue. They’ll wonder how you’re able to keep up with it all (that will be our own little secret).

    Serendipity will find you.

    As you’re working on a new feature you’ll read a tip that helps you with the exact problem you’re working on in that moment.

    Of course, nothing can ever replace the hard work of writing code and practicing. A few minutes a day doesn’t let you go deep on important topics in the same way that hours of practice does.

    But instead of going deep on one thing, you’re able to go wide and shallow on lots of things.

    You’ll still learn a ton, but different things, in a different way.


    Vue Tips Collection

    Master Vue in only 5 minutes a day

    Vue Tips Collection

    You’ll learn:

    • The one directive that gives you fine-grained control over how your template re-renders — this can have a massive impact on app performance
    • How you can master computed props in 5 minutes by using Side Effect Surgery
    • Discover which of the 6 UI states you keep forgetting about — most devs don’t know all of them
    • 2 new CSS pseudo-selectors that are exclusive to Vue
    • Learn the obscure feature of v-for that (nearly) broke Twitter
    • My dead-simple technique for splitting up large components, even if you have no idea where to start
    • Wield v-model like no one else, by putting multiple on a single component
    • How you can easily implement smooth dragging in less than 50 lines of code — this pattern also works for any mouse movement!
    • Make everything in your app reactive — even the CSS!
    • The easiest way to pass lots of props to a component. This method also works with events!
    • Create real magic with Context-Aware Components. Most devs don’t even realize this is possible!
    • Drastically reduce template complexity by making them Configuration-Driven
    • Learn how to dynamically generate slots — even nesting them recursively!
    • and so much more!
    Step away from the screen

    Beautifully Designed Hardcover Book

    Professionally designed and typeset, then printed in small batches at a local printer to ensure the highest quality.

    Now you can get away from all the screens and learn Vue while sitting on the beach — and flipping through this gorgeous book.

    straight to your inbox

    Daily Emails

    Get 3 tips sent to your inbox, every single weekday for 3 months.

    You don’t even have to remember to read the book, because you’ll have tips showing up automatically.

    This was one of the most loved features of the first edition.

    Instant access

    Digital Copy

    Of course, you’ll also get instant access to a digital copy of the Vue Tips Collection.

    You’ll be able to start reading right away!

    No one left behind

    Composition API and Options API

    Whether you prefer the Options API or the Composition API, you’ll find value in this book.

    Each tip is written for both the Options API and the Composition API (where necessary).

    A sneak peek

    Tips from the book

    Reactive CSS

    In Vue 3 we can use reactive values in our <style> block just like we can in the <template> block:

    <style scoped>
    .button {
    color: v-bind(buttonColor);

    Behind the scenes, Vue uses CSS computed properties (aka CSS variables) scoped to each component.

    The CSS remains static, but we can dynamically update the CSS variables whenever the reactive value changes.

    More info can be found in the docs.

    Get a Sneak Peek

    Check out the first two chapters of the book for free — just enter your email below.

      What others are saying


      Vue Tips Collection 2 is a must-read for every Vue developer striving to enhance their skills.

      Michael has masterfully distilled years of expertise into digestible segments, making the learning process effortlessly enjoyable.

      Profile picture of Garrett Walker
      Garrett WalkerSenior Software Engineer

      Vue Tips Collection 2 is as much of a godsend as the first edition.

      I use it to understand Vue at a deeper level, as a reference to answer specific questions, and as a refresher about features I haven’t used in a while. This new expanded edition is an essential part of my Vue journey.

      Dave WinzlerSoftware Engineer

      This book’s format is genius, offering concise, potent insights that create lots of lightbulb moments, shedding clarity on complex concepts and guiding the reader towards writing cleaner, more effective code.

      Ximo BeldaSoftware Developer

      Michael's precise and well structured writing clarifies concepts that could otherwise be difficult to understand.

      Profile picture of Adam Jahr
      Adam JahrCo-Founder of Vue Mastery

      Michael’s Vue Tips Collection is a must-have resource for everyone learning or re-learning Vue.js. But this vast and diverse collection also gives seasoned Vue developers helpful tips and patterns they might find surprising and helpful.

      Profile picture of Marc Backes
      Marc BackesDeveloper Advocate at Vue Storefront

      Michael has been a valuable source of Vue knowledge for me personally over the years. This book is no different! It's chock-full of concise and practical advice complete with examples for both Vue 2 and Vue 3.

      Profile picture of Daniel Kelly
      Daniel KellyFull-time Instructor at Vue School

      I wish the documentation and examples on slots were as thorough as the book. […] It's really well put together and I'll keep referencing it in my day to day.

      Profile picture of Blake Campbell
      Blake CampbellSenior Full Stack Engineer at Apple

      I have definitely learned the power of slots thanks to Michael. He is a great instructor and the tips book is an absolute gem.

      Profile picture of Alejandro
      AlejandroLaravel Developer at CodigoPlus

      Michael delivers it once again! Book is a great collection of useful tips. Tips include code example, explanation and link to the official docs (when there is more to check about the subject). This makes the book a shortcut to mastering Vue.

      Profile picture of Ivan Almasi
      Ivan AlmasiFreelance Vue.js Developer

      Bite-sized, yet substantive. You'll want to send these tips to your coworkers when giving them a code review.

      Profile picture of Jessica Sachs
      Jessica SachsVue Speaker and Instructor, and Developer at Cypress

      100+ new ways to think about the power of Vue. With creative component patterns, reactivity use cases, and more, each tip gives actionable ideas to improve your projects.

      Profile picture of Matt Maribojoc
      Matt MaribojocFounder of LearnVue

      Damn this is really great content! For Vue devs this will definitely help them solve problems in a more efficient way!

      Profile picture of Filip Rakowski
      Filip RakowskiCo-founder and CTO of Vue Storefront

      I really like how concise all the tips are. It's like a collection of tweets. Getting as much helpful info into the smallest chunk. With such a big book, that's a lot of value.

      Profile picture of Austin Gil
      Austin GilBuilding Vuetensils and ParticlesCSS

      Vue Tips Collection is very straightforward and like every software developer should be: pragmatic.

      It brings an extensive list of great tips that you can start applying right now and get great results for you and people you work with.

      It's something that you can review from time to time and you will always find something new and useful. I strongly recommend you to have it and I'm sure your work days will become delightful.

      Profile picture of Fabio Novais
      Fabio NovaisFront-end specialist at Wittel

      A very handy collection of tips and best practices. A must-have if you want to improve as a Vue dev.

      Profile picture of Anthony Gore
      Anthony GoreCreator of VueJS Developers

      Michael is a great instructor. This book is a very useful tool for improving your knowledge of VueJS with a diverse collection of valuable tips.

      Profile picture of Claudio Polo
      Claudio PoloSoftware Developer at Coto Cic Sa, Argentina

      The book is really amazing and useful and emails with small portions of information are really great idea to learn more and more!

      Profile picture of Sonia Jarczak
      Sonia JarczakJunior Frontend Developer

      Anyone who is into Vue will find immense value from this book, whether starting out or a seasoned veteran. Ideas, methods and examples are laid out in such an easy to follow way and Michael's explanations are always very clear. Our team highly recommends it.

      Profile picture of Will Hutchinson
      Will HutchinsonFrontend Developer at SingleView
      Don't like it? Don't worry!

      Money-Back Guarantee

      My job is to give you a product that you'll enjoy and learn from. If those things don't happen, I've failed, and I don't deserve your money.

      Simply email me at within 30 days and I'll give you a refund!

      This only applies to the Premium and Essential tiers. The Mastery tier is a limited run book so I can't offer a refund.

      Get a Sneak Peek

      Check out the first two chapters of the book for free — just enter your email below.


        Still have questions?

        Why are you printing and shipping these yourself?

        For the first edition I used a print on demand service, which was simple and easy. But the quality wasn’t that great.

        By printing it myself, I get much higher quality even though it’s (a lot) more work for me.

        Where do you ship to?

        Canada, US, and Europe are included in the price..

        If you live somewhere else, you will likely need to pay extra for delivery, but we can work something out. I want to make sure everyone has a chance to get the book!

        Email me at if you have more questions about this.

        What are the shipping fees?

        No shipping fees in Canada, US, and Europe!

        You'll be responsible if there are any extra taxes or duties that get charged when it arrives in your country.

        If you live somewhere else, you will likely need to pay extra for delivery, but we can work something out. Just email me at

        How long will shipping take?

        I expect it to take about 10-15 business days from the end of the sale for most locations, but it may be longer depending on where you live.

        Is this written for Vue 3 or Vue 2?

        It is written for Vue 3, since Vue 2 is now EOL. But most of the tips will work for Vue 2 as well since it supports the Composition API and Options API.

        Are the daily emails the same as what is in the book?

        Yes, the tips that are in the daily emails are the same as in the book.

        What format is the ebook in?

        The ebook is a PDF with no DRM. No epub or other ebook formats are available right now.

        Is this lifetime access?

        You will get a link to a PDF of the book that never expires.

        The daily emails go for about 3 months before all 118 tips have been sent.

        Can I get an invoice for my company?

        Yes, you can do this through the LemonSqueezy email you get after purchasing.

        Do you offer purchase power parity?

        I don't offer it for this book, sorry!

        How do I get a refund?

        For Premium and Essentials, just email me at and let me know!

        If I didn’t give you something amazing I don’t deserve your money. But it has to be within 30 days of purchasing.

        Unfortunately, I cannot offer refunds for Mastery since it is a limited edition book.

        Do you have student discounts?

        No, I don’t.

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